Photo by: Andrew Mandinach.
Jay Carlon, Grief in Liminal Spaces, 2021. Courtesy of: homeLA.

Photo by: Andrew Mandinach.
Bernard Brown, houseboy, 2017. Courtesy of: homeLA.

Photo by: Monika Sed.
Cheng-Chieh Yu, Inservient, 2019. Performed by Cheng-Chieh Yu, Darrian O’Reilly and Sarah Jacobs. Courtesy of: homeLA.
Fulcrum Arts/homeLA
Fund: $20,000
homeLA (fiscally sponsored by Fulcrum Arts) is a platform for experimental dance that promotes intersectionality and cultivates inclusivity with site-specific programs that position alternative narratives into the embodied exchange of ideas around space and place. These programs reframe Los Angeles’s history and civic and urban character through varied contextual imaginings of “home.” homeLA’s programming primarily supports experimental movement-based practices that are legibly queer and BIPOC-centered. Their family-friendly events are developed and produced in distinct neighborhoods across Los Angeles County and vicinity. As a result, their multigenerational and multicultural audience includes art practitioners and enthusiasts, local community members, neighbors, families, those interested in Los Angeles architecture and history, students, passersby, tourists and more. homeLA serves Angelenos by providing intimate arts and culture programming that is experimental, engaging, provocative and accessible, where all bodies are equally welcomed and represented.