Intergalactix: against isolation/contra el aislamiento
May 12, 2021
Intergalactix: against isolation/contra el aislamiento
May 15 - Aug 14, 2020
Make your online reservations here
The Fire Theory, Tanya Aguiñiga, Cog•nate Collective, and a special collaboration between Beatriz Cortez, Kaqjay Moloj and FIEBRE Ediciones. Curated by Daniela Lieja Quintanar
LACE, 2020 Artist Project Grant awardee, is thrilled to present Intergalactix: against isolation/contra el aislamiento, a group exhibition and long-term diasporic research project that focuses on strategies of coalitions, collective life and our cosmic condition to resist the historical violence generated from physical and conceptual borders, and its severe immigration policies. This project is a platform of encounters, where the production of knowledge and exchanges between artists, poets, activists, curators and writers from various fields will take place, working against isolation. Intergalactix exhibition is the result of an extensive 2 year-long curatorial process grounded on collectively building and nurturing relationships of resistance, struggle, and exchange that transcend political boundaries. The project features commissioned work by The Fire Theory, Tanya Aguiñiga, Cog•nate Collective, and a collaboration between Beatriz Cortez, Kaqjay Moloj and FIEBRE Ediciones.
If the border has become the ultimate machine of necropolitics and the nullification of the human body, a system led by the United States, then trans-national, cross-cultural and ancestral coalitions become networks that not only resist the border but actively destroy it. The intergalactix unfolds as a coalition of the struggle of life, activating as a defense of humanity and all the sensible forms of life, as the Zapatistas state in 1996 in their call for encuentro intergaláctico. This experiment is a collective work that spirals from the heart of the continent, Central America as an inspiration of a network of resistance.
Visit LACE's website to learn more.