Haruko Tanaka, The Soroban and the Present, 2014. Still image from 16mm Film transferred to digital video. Courtesy of: Echo Park Film Center (AIR on the Air). © Haruko Tanaka.

Dagie Brundert, Exposed, 2020. Still image from Super 8 Eco-Processed Film transferred to digital video. Courtesy of: Echo Park Film Center (Film Friends). © Dagie Brundert.

Tom Duffy and Michael R. Jefferson, (I Can’t Wait To) Celebrate, 2020. Still image from Super 8 Film transferred to digital video. Courtesy of: Echo Park Film Center (Super 8 Commissions). © Tom Duffy and Michael R. Jefferson.

Lisa Marr, The Covid Chronicles, 2021. Still from Super 8 Film transferred to digital video. Courtesy of: Echo Park Film Center (Care Package). © Lisa Marr.
Echo Park Film Center
Fund: $20,000
Echo Park Film Center is a non-profit media arts organization committed to providing equal and affordable community access to in-person and online film/video resources. They feel it is imperative that more members of media-marginalized communities become active participants in the creation and dissemination of experimental film in order to truly share the many powerful voices and visions that make up the fabric of contemporary life. Since opening their doors in 2001, EPFC has screened over 5,500 experimental and documentary films and offered 375 free filmmaking classes. They’ve hosted 14 international and 56 local multi-week artist-in-residence programs. EPFC’s eco-friendly mobile fleet—The Filmmobile, The Filmcicle, and the LA AIRport—brings free, off-the-grid workshops and screenings to participants of all ages at non-traditional venues in Los Angeles and beyond.