Photo by: J. Orpilla and King & Cub Media
Jasmine Orpilla, SUNGKA: a Civil War, a Civil Marriage, 2020. © 2020 Jasmine Orpilla.

Photo by: J. Orpilla and King & Cub Media
Jasmine Orpilla, SUNGKA: a Civil War, a Civil Marriage, 2020. © 2020 Jasmine Orpilla.

Photo by: J. Orpilla and King & Cub Media
Jasmine Orpilla, SUNGKA: a Civil War, a Civil Marriage, 2020. © 2020 Jasmine Orpilla.
Human Resources LA
Fund: $25,000
Human Resources was founded in 2010 by a team of creative individuals who seek to broaden engagement with contemporary and conceptual art, with an emphasis on performative and underexposed modes of expression. Human Resources is not-for-profit and seeks to foster widespread public appreciation of the performative arts by encouraging maximum community access. Human Resources also serves as a point of convergence for diverse and disparate art communities to engage in conversation and idea-sharing, promoting the sustainability of non-traditional art forms. They stage experimental work that may be both formally challenging and politically charged, such as Lucia Prancha’s exploration of the sexually explicit, experimental work of Brazilian writer Hilda Hilst, and Elliot Reed’s exploration of social scripts.